The Biggest and Best Art Campuses in Indonesia

ISI Yogyakarta has the most complete study program in the field of art and has won various national and international awards

PPS ISI Yogyakarta News

Various series of activities and information related to the development of ISI Yogyakarta Postgraduate Program as well as an agenda of interesting activities in the fields of performing arts, fine arts, and recording media arts.

New Student Admission

Information about the path, schedule, mechanism, and announcement of ISI Yogyakartas New Student Admission selection online

Merdeka Learning Independent Campus

program launched by the Minister of Education and Culture which aims to encourage students to master various sciences to prepare for entering the world of work.

Collaboration and Cooperation

ISI Yogyakarta has successfully organized collaborations and cooperation in various fields of art with universities, ministries, institutions, state-owned enterprises, companies, and start-ups of national and international standards.

Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta or ISI Yogyakarta, established on July 23, 1984, is a State College of Arts of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. ISI Yogyakarta organizes D3, D4, S1, S2 to S3 levels of education with the most complete and best various fields of art in Indonesia.
Postgraduate Program of ISI Yogyakarta Jl. Suryodiningratan No 8, Mantrijeron Yogyakarta 55143
Tel 0274-419791 Fax 0274-419791
© 2024 Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta